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Seven ways to customize Mac for yourself

Thanks to Apple's security function "System Integrity Protectio", the deep part of the Mac system cannot be changed personally.

However, there is a way to change the MacOS desktop to your own specifications.

This time, I will introduce seven simple methods to customize the Mac desktop for yourself.

table of contents

1.Make it a new wallpaper

2.Customize the color scheme

3.Add your own icon and background

4.Change the login screen

5.Customize the appearance of Dock

6.Change the image for each app

7.Customize the sound of Mac

1.Make it a new wallpaper

Just changing from the default wallpaper to your favorite thing will make your desktop feel renewed.

To change the desktop wallpaper, open "System Environment Settings" and go to "Desktop and Screen Saver".

On the "Desktop" tab, select your favorite image from the Mac's default desktop theme, or choose a good background color.

In addition, the "Dynamic Desktop" section has wallpapers that change colors according to the day of the day.

You can access the library of the sidebar's "photo" and use your favorite photos that you will not get tired of as a wallpaper every day.

If you want to be more exciting, you can set up the wallpaper every hour, or add useful information on your desktop with an interactive wallpaper.

2.Customize the color scheme

On Mac, you can create a fresh colored key by combining the various colors of "accent color" and "emphasis display color" of the system.

To make this setting, just choose your favorite color at the "accent color" and "emphasis display color" of "System Environment Settings> General".

The changed color scheme is reflected in the elements of various systems such as buttons, menus, and sections.

At the same setting above, it may be good to switch "appearance mode" to dark mode.With the settings possible in all MacOS after MacOS Mojave, the display of Dock, menu bar, app window, sidebar, etc. is dark color.

You cannot set a theme for the entire Mac system, but you can enable specific apps.

For example, if you use "Alfred" to manage your Mac and enable "PowerPack", you can use a unique theme that changes the entire "Alfred" display.

For more information, see the "Alfred Support" site.

3.Add your own icon and background

In Finder, you can not only change the size of the icon (select the menu bar in "Display> Display Options> Icon Size"), but also customize the icon.

When searching for an icon online, don't forget to check if the extension is "ICNS" (compatibility with MacOS).

To change the icon of the folder (or file), first copy the icon file (select and press "CMD + C"), then select the folder you want to change the icon, and select the "file> information.Select "See".

Select the icon at the top and select "Edit> Paste" in the folder inspector displayed in the pop -up.

With this, it should have been replaced with the icon you copied earlier.If you don't like the icon, select the icon in the inspector and press the "Delete" key to return to the default icon.


PNG and JPG files can also be used as an icon, but it is best to use ICNS images that are compatible with macOS if possible.

You can also use existing icons copied from related inspectors.

For example, this is a screenshot using Apple Music icons as an icon of the "Music" library folder.

You can customize the default icon of the app in the "Application" folder, except for the apps included in the Mac.

However, there is no problem using a system app icon for third -party apps.

For example, you can change the third -party web browser icon into a Safari icon in the system app.

Did you know that you can add a background with the Finder icon display?

Just select a color or picture in the background section of "Display> Display Options".

4.Change the login screen

To customize the Mac login screen, start by changing your account user image.

You can change the image by going to "System Environment Setting> User and Group> Password".

Here, click on the existing user image next to your name, select the default set of Apple or your "photo" library and change it.

You can also select and change from Me characters and emoticons.

Next, you may want to put a message on the lock screen.

In that case, in "System Environment Setting> Security and Privacy> General", check the "Display Message when the screen is locked".

If the above options are gray and cannot be checked, you must click the key icon at the bottom left of the screen, enter the system password and release it.Then you should be able to check.

Then, click "Set a lock message ...", enter the content you want to display on the lock screen, and press "OK".After restarting the Mac, the message is displayed just above the power option at the bottom of the screen.

5.Customize the appearance of Dock

To customize Mac Dock, you must be organized at least properly.Drag out the icons of the apps that are not used frequently, and delete them when the "deletion" is displayed.

Then drag your favorite app from the "Application" folder and add it to Dock.

You can also change the position of the Dock, change the size of the icon, or to enlarge and display at various angles when you place the cursor.

To make such a change, go to "System Environment Setting> Dock and Menuver".

Of course, you can use a third -party customization app like "Ubar" without messing with the Dock settings.

6.Change the image for each app

You can use the settings in the installed app to make your Mac more preferred.

For example, if you are installing a "Slack" desktop app, you can set a new theme in the Slack sidebar to make it brighter.

In the Mac's "Email" app, you can change the font and color to change the display of the email by going to "Environment Settings> Fonts and Color".

In addition, you can select a new color in "Format> Color Panel" to emphasize individual messages.

In "Terminal", you can also select a new theme in "Environment Setting> Profile".

Select the theme in the sidebar and click "Default" to set the theme for the default.To display on a new theme, you need to restart the terminal.

For dark mode enthusiasts, you may want to enable dark mode with your favorite Mac app.

"Ulyssess", "Bear", "Things", "Tweetbot", "SPARK", etc. There are not many but compatible apps that support dark mode.

7.Customize the sound of Mac

Customization is not limited to the appearance.

How about changing the sound?

First, go to "System Environment Setting> Accessibility> Reading Content> System Voice", you can change the voice of the system.

Next, let's select a new alert sound from "System Environment Setting> Sound> Sound Effect".

In "System Environment Setting> Date and Time> Clock", you can also set the Mac to let the time reply at a certain interval.

Did you customize the Mac desktop?

In this way, with a little time, effort and ideas, you can really make your Mac desktop yourself.

When you customize to your own Mac, you can see and work more fun.

When all the above -mentioned customization is over, let's focus on making your daily Mac work more easier.

Original Article: 7 Ways to Personalize Your Mac: Color Schemes, Icons, Sounds, and More by MakeUseof