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To end the LINE Lite service. We are approaching users who utilize multi-devices!

LINE has announced the end of the LINE Lite service. The end date is noon on February 28, 2022.

To continue using LINE, you need to transfer your account to the LINE app. You can take over your friends, group list, and LINE stamps (including gifts).

LINE Liteサービス終了へ。マルチデバイス活用ユーザーに選択迫る すまほん!!

Messages sent and received with LINE Lite will not be carried over to the LINE app, so you need to save them separately.

Although LINE is available for PC and iPad, it cannot be used with two iPhones and Android smartphones because it basically does not allow multi-device login. Even if there is an iPad version, there is no "Android tablet version", so it is very inconvenient.

By installing LINE Lite, I was able to alleviate this inconvenience of LINE. You can have two smartphones as mentioned above, use messages on tablets and foldables, and use them on small sub-terminals for digital detox. For this reason, even if LINE was at the center of communication, I didn't have much trouble with LINE Lite.

However, after February 28th, LINE will be very inconvenient for users who use it in this way. I feel very disappointed news. I have been using various terminals, and I have managed to use it by using LINE Lite, but I feel that it is about time to become the center of messaging.